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本帖最后由 刘文 于 2019-2-28 22:00 编辑
童言无忌(437字) 文/刘文
“同学们,城里的叔叔阿姨,不辞辛苦。翻山涉水来到我们山区小学为大家捐赠书包、铅笔、作业本、橡皮等文具,让我们对他们的到来表示衷心的感谢,行队礼!” 在校长的指挥下,山坳里空洼不平的操场上,近一百个孩子整齐列队,行着队礼。 “新书包送给你,好好学习。”记者阿文把一个崭新的花书包递给一个六七岁的女孩子。 “谢谢叔叔,”女孩木然的接过书包。 女孩和其他孩子一样,神情木纳,机械地领着文教用品,没有阿文和爱心志愿者想象中的兴奋与快乐。是山里孩子紧张?还是没见过世面?阿文和爱心志愿者们心里同样犯着嘀咕。 “领到新书包高兴不高兴?”阿文亲切地拉住女孩的手边问边示意同伴合影。, “高兴,”女孩随口回答着,面对镜头可脸上却依然没有表情。 “好孩子,除了领到文具你还有什么愿望?告诉叔叔好吗?”阿文亲切地问小女孩。 “叔叔,听说我们学校是离城里最近的,哥哥姐姐们都来我们这献爱心,这已是今年教师节我收到的第十个书包了,可我要这些书包干什么呀?” 闻听此言,阿文和爱心志愿者们顿时哑然无声。
童言无忌Childrenspeak the truth 文/刘文 by Liu Wen
“Boys andgirls, uncles and aunts from city painstakingly come to our school, withbackpacks, pencils, exercise books, rubbers, etc. Let’s salute to express ourheartfelt thanks!” Nearly one hundred kids, arranged by the headmasteron the rough playground, were lining up to welcome visitors. "New school bag for you. Study hard." Areporter handed a flowery bag to a girl six or seven years old. "Thank you, uncle," the girl took the bagover apathetically. This girl behaved like other children withoutfeelings, mechanically accepting the stationeries. What a surprise it was! Itwas beyond what Awen and other volunteers imagined before. Were the childrennervous or inexperienced? “Are you happy?” Awen affectionately took a photowith the girl and suggested partners to shoot together. “Yes, we’re,” the girl answered quickly, facing thelenses with numb feeling. “Good girl, any more wish?Tell me.” the reporter warmly asked the prettygirl. “Uncle, our school is near city, brothers andsisters come here to show love, this is the tenth backpack I have received onthis Teachers’ Day. So many bags for what?” On hearing this, Awen and volunteers wereimmediately speechless.